Directory | Pyramid Hill - Part 2
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Pyramid Hill Cemetery Trust
Laceys Lane, Pyramid Hill

Contact; Terry Stobaus

Pyramid Hill Golf Club
Ring Rd
Pyramid Hill 3575

Contact Tony Mullins
Ph: 5455 7522


Glen Bartels
Ph: 0427 557342

Pyramid Hill Lions Club

Contact; Tanya Quinn

Business Phone Number
5455 7521
Kelly St
Pyramid Hill 3575

Open every Wednesday 9.00am to 3.00pm

Where; Behind the old maternal health building in Kelly Street.

Please contact Matty if you would like to join or to call in another day.

Contact; Matty Down  0437 938 168

Business Phone Number
0437 938 168
Pyramid Hill Neighbourhood House
Units 5-8
43-45 Kelly Street
Pyramid Hill 3575


Co-Ordinator Available;

Tuesday to Friday 10.00 to 4.00pm





Services include:

. Home of the Pyramid Hill Press, weekly newspaper

. Community Car,  Bookings and enquiries: 5455 7129

. Services Australia Access Point

. Business services including printing, scanning, desktop publishing

. Goldfields Library Agency

. Meeting space for hire, social and educational programs, courses and welfare visits.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
5455 7129
Pyramid Hill Op Shop
Business Name
Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill

Opening Hours:

Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays 11.00am to 4pm.


Contact;  Rose Harris  0428 557 041

Pyramid Hill

2021/2022 Committee:
President:  Mr Andre Berwicke

Secretary:  Mrs Penny Caspani

Treasurer:  Mrs Michelle Miller

The Pyramid Hill Progress Association is the leading voice to the Loddon Shire Council.  The Progress Association works alongside the Shire and other parties with projects and funding allocations within our township and Ward.

We meet on third Wednesday every month (except December and January), at the Victoria Hotel at 7pm.  We always welcome new members.

Pyramid Hill Tennis Club

Contact Kate Bartels
Ph: 5455 7264 


Vaughan Herrick

 Ph: 5455 7360

TAQ Mechanical
Business Name
Buckley Street
Pyramid Hill 3575
Andrew & Trish Quaife - Ryan Dee
For all your mechanical needs
Gulf Western Oil & Bond Battery stockist
Fully qualified mechanic, Cars, trucks, tractors, logbook
servicing, car/truck tyre sales & fitting, general parts in stock


Business website address: Like us on facebook






Business Phone Number
0407 577 279/ 0400 564 119
Business Name
Mincha West 3568

Wayne and Heather Ladson

 H A Y   S A L E S
Lucerne, Rye Grass and Clover small Square Bales.

For all your Horse and Stock feed needs

Wayne 0427 559 290

Matthew 0438 876 670

Bradley 0427 113 747