EDUCATION | Pyramid Hill
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Filipino Food Store
Business Name
13 Kelly St
Mark Lacey
Open Monday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday 10am-12pm & 1pm-4pm
Filipino Food Store Tuesday 4pm-6pm
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03 5455 7305
Business Fax
03 5455 7276
Business Name
Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill
Principal: Mrs Fiona Moon
Assistant Principal: Mr Sean McCann

Pyramid Hill College is from Grade Prep to Year 10.

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
(03) 5455 7377
Business Fax
(03) 5455 7106

Pyramid Hill Playgroup is ran on a Friday morning 10-12pm.
Located at The pyramid Hill Preschool.
More information or contact details, follow the Pyramid Hill Playgroup Facebook Page.

67 Kelly Street, Pyramid Hill
PreSchool Teacher: Mrs Chris Mann

Session Times:
Tuesday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Wednesday 9.00am to 2.00pm
Thursday 9.00am to 2.00pm

Business Phone Number
(03) 5455 7230
St. Patrick’s Primary School
1 Victoria St, Pyramid Hill
Principal: Mrs Colleen Hampson

Catholic Primary School from Grades Prep to Year 6.

Business Phone Number
(03) 5455 7220
Business Fax
(03) 5455 7466