FARM PRODUCE | Pyramid Hill
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Pyramid Salt Pty Ltd
Business Name
1142 Pyramid Boort Road, Pyramid Hill 3575
John Ross and Gavin Privett

Opening Hours:

8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.  Visits to site by appointment only.


A chance meeting between John Ross and Gavin Privett in 1991 led to the establishment of Pyramid Salt Pty Ltd.  The company was formed to research and develop methods of land desalinisation through groundwater pumping and commercial solar salt production.

Pyramid Salt has entered into a joint venture with the Murray Darling Basin Authority and Goulburn Murray Water in establishing the Pyramid Creek Salt Interception Scheme.  The Salt Interception Scheme on the upper reaches of Pyramid Creek (first 12km downstream of Kow Swamp) will lower the groundwater table adjacent to the Creek preventing around 22,000 tonnes of salt from entering the creek each year.  This will result in reduced salinity of downstream waterways including the Loddon River, the Ramsar listed Kerang Lakes and the Murray River.

When you use Pyramid Salt not only do you use the finest quality salt, but by purchasing our salt you are doing your part to help our company's commitment to the environmental management, sustainability and health of our river systems in the Murray-Darling Basin.

Australian Made, Australian Owned.  Employing Local People.


Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
03 5455 1299 / Mob; 0400 839 797 Gavin
Business Fax
03 5455 1330