Sporting Clubs | Pyramid Hill
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Football/Netball Club
Business Name
PO Box 17
Pyramid Hill
Pyramid Hill Football Netball Club is part of the Loddon Valley Football Netball League Inc. The seasons traditionally start in April and finish early September.
Check out our facebook page;

Club President: Bruce Moon
Secretary: Marie Scott
Treasurer: Fiona Moon

Netball Contact;  Kim Lister

Follow us on Facebook

Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
5455 7328
Northern Victorian Quarter Horse Association

Contact;  Dorothy Kaye

The Northern Victorian Quarter Horse Association is situated at the base of the 'Hill'.   We have a beautiful arena, a great club room and plenty of yards.  We meet on second Sunday of every month.


Business Phone Number
5436 5258
Pyramid Hill Basketball Association

The Basketball competition is played in the summer months at the Pyramid Hill College Stadium.





Contact; Fiona Moon

Pyramid Hill Bowling Club
98 Victoria St
Pyramid Hill 3575
Business Website Address
Business Phone Number
5455 7181
Business Fax
5455 7182
Pyramid Hill Golf Club
Ring Rd
Pyramid Hill 3575

Contact Tony Mullins
Ph: 5455 7522


Glen Bartels
Ph: 0427 557342

Pyramid Hill Tennis Club

Contact Kate Bartels
Ph: 5455 7264 


Vaughan Herrick

 Ph: 5455 7360